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Services » Global Sourcing & Trading » Blower Regenerated no Loss Type Drier




Blower Regenerated no Loss Type Drier

In this particular design, the regeneration is accomplished with the external source of hot Air/Gas. The regeneration Air/Gas delivered from Centrifugal Blower at low pressure is allowed to pass through an electrical heater of pre-determined rating. The hot Air/Gas so produced is then circulated into the desiccant tower under regeneration.
The hot Air/Gas which has got very high moisture holding capacity, picks-up the adsorbed moisture from the saturated desiccant bed and is vented out to the atmosphere. By this means the desiccant is regenerated economically and can easily give the dryness of the order of (-) 75o C (Atm.) Dew Point without loss of costly dried Air/Gas as purge unlike Internal/Embedded heater type Drier.
Capacity: 100CFM to 2000CFM
Pressure Kg/m2g: 8-10 Kg/m2g
Moisture content (Dew-Point):

Minus (-)40 Deg. C Normal

Air/Gas Storage: Offer as per customers requirement
Dimensions: Tailor made designs as per customer's layout requirement


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